What is wellness health?

Wellness health is a state of optimal health, which means something more than just the lack of disease or other disabilities. It is a state of well-being associated with high quality of life in all its dimensions (body, spirit, mind) and the ability to lead a productive life, both in social and economic terms.

This is the so-called holistic health (health in all dimensions of life – physical, mental, and spiritual health).
In the wellness philosophy, health is considered a natural state. This means that people are naturally, genetically programmed to maintain constant homeostasis, which is a prerequisite for health (homeostasis is a state of balance in the internal environment of the human body).
In contrast, the disease involves adapting to a toxic, defective or stressful environment.

Conventional medicine interprets it quite differently.
In conventional medicine, health is defined as the absence of a disease or the absence of a diagnosed disease.
Chronic diseases are seen as caused by genes. People are seen as internally programmed for diabetes, obesity, heart disease, depression, cancer, and other diseases.
Chronic diseases, conditions, and ailments are considered as innate phenomena.
This is diametrically opposed to the idea of wellness, which sees people as genetically programmed for health;
Health is an innate phenomenon, not a disease!
Both science and logic seem to confirm the wellness hypothesis. Chronic diseases have been growing at an alarming rate over the past decades. This can’t be caused by genetics.

Conventional medicine doctors do not provide a way to achieve well-being and disease prevention.
They don’t deal with the real cause of a diseases.
They don’t promote health.
Therefore, they are not able to stop the spreading global epidemic (pandemic) of chronic diseases, in particular, diabetes and obesity.

We must help with this issue!
We have developed a special program that aims at improving the operation of the healthcare system that is broken.
To raise the awareness of a healthy lifestyle and make the necessary changes, we need educated advisors, instructors, coaches, and wellness personal trainers – health doctors, who treat healthy people (those who already have significant health problems, but doctors do not diagnose them as sick yet). Healing them not with medicine but with a healthy lifestyle.

What should a wellness trainer and trainer do?

Our educated wellness personal trainers and coaches teach us how to lead a genetically compatible lifestyle, they tell us what we should eat, how to move, how to think, and how to behave in accordance with our innate genetic intelligence of our body.
The only reason we are not completely healthy is because we have a shortage of something we need or we have something defective, toxic, stressful that needs to be removed.
All of this is to restore the body’s natural ability to heal itself!
The world needs educated wellness personal trainers & coaches – wellness health doctors, who will provide the wellness health care!