Chronic diseases

Researchers say that all the organs in the human body can live up to 120 years. There is an agreement between medical knowledge and the Bible, about the possibility of reaching such an age. 

Why do we live much shorter?

The answer is simple: This is mainly due to the fact that we run unhealthy lifestyle causing more than a half of premature death cases.

What mainly affects the length of our lives?

Figure 1. What mainly affects the length of our lives?

According to scientists, the length of our lives is influenced by: medicine and health care (about 10%), genetic determinants (about 15%), environment (about 20%), lifestyle (about 55%).

The main causes of premature deaths in today’s society are no longer infectious diseases, as it was in the 20th century, but chronic diseases resulting from lifestyle. The most important among them include: diabetes-obesity (diabesity), type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases (heart attacks, strokes), cancers, which are associated with unhealthy lifestyle, so changing it can clearly reduce the risk of getting ill.

Figure 2. The most important lifestyle related chronic diseases.

Diabetes-obesity (diabesity)

Many people probably have not heard about it yet – in many countries it is not even diagnosed by doctors as a disease, and it already occurs in the form of global epidemic. 

It is called a pre-diabetes or insulin resistance condition and is described as something “premorbid”, it should be observed and monitored by performing periodic tests. This condition precedes the onset of type 2 diabetes by many years.

Unfortunately, most patients and doctors disregard it, and it is as dangerous as type 2 diabetes. It differs only in the degree of development and the fact that the permissible blood glucose level is not exceeded.

Figure 3. Diabetes and diabesity.

Most overweight people with high level of triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol and high blood pressure have diabesity, without knowing it. They are at risk of getting chronic diseases such as: type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, thrombosis, cancer. They are at increased risk of myocardial infarction and premature death.

Diabesity is a primary disease. This means that it is the cause and the basis for the formation of many other diseases. Diabesity is a big threat also because it is not diagnosed by doctors as a disease, but only as a “premorbid state”, it is neglected, which makes it very easy to develop into other chronic diseases. That is why we can boldly conclude that this hidden diabetes is one of the main causes of the emergence of chronic diseases and shorter life expectancy.

It is hard to imagine how difficult and far-reaching the problem of diabesity is. It is a world epidemic (pandemic) which concerns over 1,7 mld people all around the world, including 100 million Americans and 50% Americans over 65 years of age. Most recent statistics indicate that diabesity may currently be the most common cause of chronic diseases and death in the world, and its impact is expected to increase dramatically in the next 25 years.

The most crucial thing is to take up preventive action as soon as possible.