Wellness Movement Activity and Physical Activity

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Module I

Wellness Movement Activity and Physical Activity


The current definition of health adopted by the World Health Organization is:

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being (wellness) and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

The definition is very important and progressive because it does not stop at simplified approach stating that health is the absence of illness. It stresses that health includes an additional aspect of well-being.

It means that when dealing with health-related matters, we should not focus only on diseases and treating them but on improving and strengthening our health.

Thus, a huge role of prevention emerges – preventing diseases. If we want to stay healthy, it does not come down to seeing a doctor when we are ill. Simply treating the illness and focusing only on health problems is not the right path to staying healthy. We should concentrate more on strengthening it through healthy lifestyle.

The contemporary definition of health by WHO heavily stresses the connection between health and internal and social life of a person, as well as their personal concern for physical condition.

The current definition of health is much closer to the wellness philosophy which focuses on the feeling of well-being in all dimensions of life: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social.

Wellness Movement Activity

Wellness movement activity includes all physical and movement activity such as: everyday activities (walking, gymnastics, rhythmic exercises, physical exercises, sport games, active tourism). It is a part of physical culture which consists of the entirety of material and immaterial creations in the area of caring for body and physical functioning of a person.

The main goals of wellness movement activity are:

  • satisfying the need for movement essential for staying healthy,
  • adjusting daily energy balance of body,
  • improving and keeping fitness, efficiency, good physical condition,
  • achieving pleasure and satisfaction from physical effort. The aim of movement activity is satisfying the need for movement which is crucial for achieving satisfaction, where physical activity is something more than just running, jumping, or throwing – it is a conscious experience as well as a specific event. We cannot put the equal sign between recreation and sport, because recreation is reaching the state of wellness while sport is most often connected with rivalry and competition which have little in common with wellness and relaxation.

The main characteristics of wellness activity are:

  • satisfaction, happiness, pleasant experiences, and relaxation,
  • voluntariness, that is feeling of freedom of choice and ability to choose and taking up actions in accordance with one’s own values, preferences, and passions.

The contemporary world is developing quickly, and needs of the contemporary man grow with it. Increasing number of people are looking for a way to longevity and maintaining good health. The obvious solutions are: proper diet, enough sleep, good health care, and what is the most important and at the same time the most natural matter – wellness movement activity. It is one of the most efficient ways of preventing civilization diseases, such as high blood-pressure and diabetes. Wellness movement activity is one of the main elements of a healthy lifestyle. Lack of systematic activity (or not enough of it) can lead to loss of health and many illnesses (both physical and mental). Systematic wellness movement activity helps us to achieve good condition which gives our body ability to function properly and efficiently, as well as the right amount of vital force.

Wellness movement activity can be considered a “remedy” which has both preventive and therapeutic effects. Statements such as:

“Movement can replace many medicines, but no medicine can replace movement” or

“Movement is the best medicine for a person, and what is more, it is free”

can be used as very good slogans promoting the concept of healthy lifestyle, where wellness movement activity takes a special place.

Wellness movement activity is, by scientific definition, any body movement related to muscle contraction which leads to increase in energy expenditure above the rest level.

Physical activity is an oriented movement activity, a determined need to maintain homeostasis. Physical activity is purposefully aimed, in contrast to movement activity, where physical actions may be automatic (subconscious). Physical activity is most often taken up for health-related reasons – recuperating and staying healthy.

Therefore, physical activity is the amount of exercise necessary for us to improve and maintain our health.

Wellness Physical Activity

Wellness physical activity should leave us in a good mood and prolong our healthy lives. Doing this kind of activity should not induce stress (e.g., through rivalry), expose to injuries (some exercises, active sport), loss of health or life (e.g., competing in long-distance runs). It is in accordance with this aspect that its elements are selected; they combine daily wellness movement activity, light exercises, active rest and sports without the element of competition and the risk of injury.

Wellness physical activity includes:

  • everyday wellness movement activity connected to one’s healthy life routine: housework (e.g., cleaning), walking (to work, to shops, climbing stairs, strolling) or walking during the day, e.g., wellness walking; in total, we should walk 7500 steps per day;
  • everyday light exercises, e.g., morning gymnastics, and stretching during the day, exercises connected with preventive healthcare (spinal pain and diseases);
  • active rest: active hobby, e.g., gardening, dancing;
  • more intense activity: Nordic walking or active wellness walking, walk/run, jogging;
  • sport without elements of competition or risk of injury, e.g., swimming, cycling;
  • visiting gym 2-3 times a week, or alternatively, fitness or Pilates classes and flexibility exercises, that is, stretching after finishing the training (this activity is especially recommended to people who would like to be slim);
  • limiting the amount of free time spent inactively, especially in front of the TV and spending it on full regeneration of one’s body instead.

Wellness Physical Activity Pyramid

Figure 1. Wellness physical activity pyramid.

Limit to minimum:

  • lack of activity, inactivity, sitting in front of a TV set or a computer.

2-3 times a week:

  • exercises, gym, fitness, pilates;
  • muscle endurance, strength and flexibility exercises.

As often as possible:

  • active leisure, e.g., gardening, ballroom dancing.

3 times a week:

  • active wellness walking or Nordic walking, walk/run, jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing;

Every day:

  • everyday wellness movement activity connected with one’s lifestyle: housework (e.g., cleaning), walking (to work, to shops, climbing stairs, strolling) or walking during the day, e.g., wellness walking; in total, we should walk 7500 steps per day;
  • physical activity connected with lifestyle: walking instead of driving a car, using stairs instead of an elevator; going for a walk with a child, dog or friends; Wellness walking, cleaning – in total min. 7500 steps;
  • morning gymnastics, stretching exercises, back pain prevention exercises.